Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Nomad Chronicals Week 1

The "Grey Nomads" set off on their great adventure almost two weeks ago (GN1 is the male nomadic species; GN2 the female).  The journey thus far is as follows:

Day 1: Wednesday 27th – drove to Bendigo after work with all our gear tarped on the ute to be at Kyabram early for fitting the new slide on camper (pictures please!)

Day 2: Thursday – Fitting & packing took all day so we stopped in a nearby park overnight to make sure everything worked OK.

Day 3: Friday – Travelled all day to stop in a caravan park at West Wyalong.  Young owners had their first billy tea & damper night – but they need to change their damper recipe.

(Maybe you should email them this one!)

Day 4: Saturday – we stopped at Hickey Falls near Coonabarabran with a few other free campers.  Just off the road & very pretty.   

GN2 starts driving the breakfast to lunch shift.  It goes OK 85 – 95 kph & 13 – 15 litres per 100ks, depending on the wind & how lumpy the roads are.   Lots of water lying either side of the road near Forbes.

Day 5: Sunday – Travelled to Mt Kapurtar via Narrabri.  

Quite a climb to a good national parks camp site.  Time for a good walk before tea & sharing a camp fire with our neighbours.  At over 1000 metres it was a cold night & a freezing morning.

Day 6: Monday – Stopped in Moree to get fog lights seen to.  No luck so on to Goondawindi where they replaced a dodgy joiner & poor wiring (Warrnambool 4WD).  Not that we need them but now we are legal.  This year we have seen cotton in large wrapped round bales about 3m across (legal truck width) in paddocks & being transported to the mills.  Spent the night at a truck stop/caravan park.

Day 7: Tuesday – Frosty morning (-3C at Miles) but our first all blue sky day.  Did our laundry at Miles & drove to Roma & north to Injune where we camped by the billabong at the back of the (full) caravan park.  From now on we are told the motels & caravan parks are full with miners.  Injune caravan park (immaculate)  had new accommodation for road  & telecommunication construction crews.   Lots of work being done on the roads.   A new 500 bed village is being built nearby.  Many dongas (Atcos) & heavy machinery passing us at speed.

Thus ends week 1 of the Nomad Chronicles..............

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