Friday, 13 July 2012

The Nomad Chronicles Week 2 so far

The Nomad Chronicles Week 2, so far....

Day 8: Wednesday – Slow trip into Carnavon Gorge.  Everyone books months ahead but we were given a site when we asked if there were any cancellations (have to drive in & out tomorrow).  We were very lucky as the parks site is only opened for school holidays & was inaccessible last week.  

There is mostly lovely soft walking among tall timber, large ferns/palms except for the many wobbly stepping stones across numerous creek crossings.   With towering white sandstone cliffs we walked about 10 kms.   The park is shady & grassy & even had hot showers.  There is an expensive caravan park & up market resort further out. 

The camper is going well & we nearly have everything sorted out.  Today is the first sunny day (14C) but the wind is still cool.  Nights are cold, mornings cooler & Mt Kaputar was (very scenic but)freezing!  Luckily we thought to buy a brlliant little gas heater - with low oxygen cut out. 

Day 9: Thursday – Walked into Mickey’s Gorge & another with an ex NSW parks ranger & his wife, absorbing lots of travel trips along the way.  We admired the very healthy looking Santa Gertrudis cattle grazing the forage oats on the way out of the park.  Then on to Emerald to park under the bridges with all the other overflow campers – maybe 50 vans or tents at 5.30 PM. 

Day 10: Friday -  Long night & early start.   Drove to Rubyvale & did laundry in very smart new Laundromat.  Had a coffee & 2 of Poppy’s “Boulders” – magnificent scones – one ginger with marmalade & cream – guess who?   GN2 in shorts for the first time.  Found a camp site out in the diggings & had a not very serious scratch for gem stones.

Day 11: Saturday – Stopped at the quaint miner’s market on the way out.  Nice easy trip to Longreach.  We need to stay until Monday to get a front end alignment.  A front tire is scrubbing probably due to a deep pothole (in the bitumen).   Took ages to get a human to help with recharging our mobile Internet device.    We should be OK when we get coverage & the netbook is recharged.  The solar on the camper works very well but it doesn’t charge the computer.

Day 12: Monday Everything is going OK except that we needed to get the front end alignment - a big pothole in the bitumen that we didn't miss. We didn't find any emeralds at Emerald but we have had 2 nice sunny days now & tonight is our first night without the heater on.  Stopped in Barcaldine & watched some campdrafting today - people & horses everywhere.  We will see the Stockman's Hall of Fame & the Qantas museum tomorrow (it started here).

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